Maria Thomas Memorial Tablet

Memorial tablets in Holy Trinity church Tunbridge Wells


Inscription: Maria, wife of James Thomas, of Madras Civil Service, 3rd daughter of W.F. Woodgate. Died 23rd May 1833, aetat (aged) 30 years and 4 months on a voyage from India to England.

Buried in the cemetery? No

Tablet made by: William Behnes of London who was ‘Sculptor in Ordinary’ to Queen Victoria.

Location: 2 on map. This impressive tablet is to the left (opposite the bar) as you enter Trinity from Church Road.

Accessibility: freely visible when Trinity Theatre is open.

Maria Woodgate Thomas memorial by William Behnes. Memorial tablets in Holy Trinity church Tunbridge Wells
Maria Thomas (nee Woodgate)

About Maria Thomas

Maria Woodgate, third daughter of W. F. Woodgate Esq., married James Thomas of the Madras Civil Service. Sadly she died at sea on 25 May 1855 on her way to England from India.

The Woodgates were an important local family and you can read more about them here.

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